Culture @ 21.05.2010 13:38

Kontakt 2010

The 20th Anniversary Edition of Kontakt International Theatre Festival starts on May 22nd and will last till May 28th. This year programme consists of new plays created by artists that Kontakt viewers already know.

Kontakt festival, organized by Wilam Horzyca Theatre in Toruń since 1991, was the first one after régime transformation in Poland, but also the first international meeting In Central and Eastern Europe, confronting the theatre ensembles from East and West. Among our guest, we also had companies from Asia and North America. The importance of festival, from the very beginning, depends on artistic value of presented performances. Kontakt festival was a turning point in career of many, nowadays renowned, theatre directors from Eastern parts of Europe, who sometimes for the first time had the opportunity to present their works to the western audience and to confront with western theatres. This also concerns Polish performance for which Kontakt festival for many years has been a promotional window to the world.

To read about the programme of Kontakt be sure to visit

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