Culture @ 23.02.2011 13:02

Spacecraft - Earth

An unique exhibition inaugurating the four-year program of Dobrila Denegri, the new artistic director of Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń, will be opened on March 4th.The exhibition explores the relationships between science, art and advanced technologies.

The exhibition was inspired by the work of one of the greatest visionaries of the twentieth century, Richard Buckminster Fuller, considered by many to be Leonardo da Vinci of our time. His concept of spacecraft was taken also by the other researchers, and is reflected today particularly alarming echoes, remanding us that we are all interdependent and interconnected.

Starting point of the exhibition is the Fuller’s idea of spaceship Earth, to which is no manual instruction, designed to emphasize holistic visions of artists inspired by the eco- conscious attitudes and concentrated around the man and his planet. Exhibition focuses on artists and artistic phenomena that have played a pioneering role in the media art, starting from the constructivist and positivist attitudes towards technological and scientific progress of the fifties and sixties, through the trend, which anticipated the struggle for the transformation of the world through a synthesis of arts, to current studies of art, combining the art with the most advanced fields of modern science and technology. Among all the pioneers , whose artistic works will be presented at the exhibition, particularly will be highlighted the participation of the artists from Eastern Europe, whose achievements are extremely important and innovative, but are less visible internationally.

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