ECoC @ 12.11.2009 10:00

Skyway ’09 artists awarded in USA

One of three main prizes in a competition aiming at creating plans for building a block of flats in downtown Dallas went to a group of Portuguese architects, MOOV. Audiences from Toruń may remember them from Skyway ’09 festival, where they presented LED virus actions and a soapy installation within the Ciasna street.

The contest was organized by an American organization called Urban Re: Vision. Forwarding Dallas immediately called to mind the best of Dutch design (in fact, the jury was speculating this may have been entered by Dutch architects, MVRDV, but wasn’t). A massing of staggered, bold forms are shaped by the angle of the sun and the desire to create a true urban landscape. This massing is a bold departure from traditional urban infill, and creates the opportunities for daylighting, passive cooling, and an edible landscape. The real joy of the design occurs between the masses to create small pedestrian streets and gardens. The Forwarding Dallas submission is an exciting and innovative method of integrating food, energy and waste issues into a seamless whole.

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