
About islam and christianity

11.10.2010 13:13

On 18-19 October 2010 Department of Arabic Language and Culture UMK in Torun in collaboration with the Institute for Dialogue "Danube" organized popular-science conference "Christian - Muslim Dialogue. History and the Present, threats and challenges".

Within the patronage of the Marshal of the Kujawsko - Pomorskie, Piotr Całbecki and the Mayor of Torun, Michał Zaleski. This initiative is part of the taken by the various institutions of cultural, educational and social, to promote dialogue between civilizations and religions

Toruń on languages

06.10.2010 15:14

,,Multicultural dialogue in Toruń, in the seventeenth and eighteenth century” is the title of the next meeting of series ,,Toruń on languages”, that will be held October 14 in Toruń bookstore Polanglo.

The guest at the meeting will be dr. Liliana Górska, an academic teacher in the Department of German Philology Nicolaus Copernicus University, professor at a university college Wyższa Szkoła Języków Obcych in Świecie and professor at the University of Szczecin. The meeting will be led by Dr. Aleksandra Markiewicz. The organizer of the event is a bookstore chain Polanglo, the co-organizers of the event are: Langenschedidt Polska and District Museum in Toruń. After the meeting will be held the lottery of dictionaries and wine tasting.

Jamaican rythms in NRD

05.10.2010 15:10

Jamaican hot climates will be hosted in the music club NRD.

This time we could hear the two artists from the UK: Deadly Hunt, whose concerts are a pure energy boost and a young singer associated with the British labelReality Shock Records - Chieftain Joseph, artist known for his very subtle voice compared to Horace Andy.

Deadly Hunta combines different musical genres: Dancehall, Hip Hop, Drum'n'Bass, the artist gets more and more notoriety in the country and abroad, as evidenced by concerts with such stars as Buju Bonton, Wu Tang, Ice Toraz or tour of the United States with Supernaturals. Deadly Hunta is the autor of such hits as Talk Out Loud, Ganja Man which hosted many UK stations.During the Jamaican party at club NRD you can also listen to other bands concert among others Feel Like Jumping Sound System, Track Numba, BST Selekta.


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Butelka band stands for heavy metal riffs based on solid rhythm section. Liberty of speech is their thing, they say what they mean, they mean what they say. More… »