
Mieczysław Ziomek in The Town Hall

18.11.2009 09:30

Starting with November 12th, in the historic Town Hall in Toruń, you are able to see an exhibition of paintings created by professor Mieczysław Ziomek – a Lviv-born and Toruń-connected painter whose works inspire with colors and style.

During the exhibition you can see the exciting world of a petite man, the child, depicted on many of Ziomek’s works from the 70s and 80s. To read more about the painter be sure to visit the website of The Town Hall Museum in Toruń. The exhibition can be seen till January 31st.

Global Education in Toruń

17.11.2009 13:49

On November 17th, as a part of Global Education Week happening between November 16th and 22nd, you will be able to take part in a city game in Toruń.

The game is about answering questions provided by organizers – you will be able to find all of correct answers in different parts of the Old Town in Toruń. One of the points is located in the Leaning Tower, the place where TORUŃ 2016 operates being one of the event’s partners.

Have a chat with the minister

16.11.2009 23:08

The European Capital of Culture 2016 competition, as well as artistic education in schools, will be two main topics of an Internet chat with The Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Bogdan Zdrojewski, taking place on Tuesday, November 17th, at 9:30 AM.

1.5 million euro – this is the main prize for a city that wins The European Capital of Culture 2016 prestigious title. But a huge chance for a world wide promotion is even more important. “Which city deserves this title?” “What are the criteria of the contest?” “Can a small town achieve the title?” These are some of the questions that will be answered during the chat. The Minister will also talk about artistic education, especially in small cities and villages.

You can enter the chat using one of those two URLs, www.samorzad.pap.pl and chat.pap.com.pl/chat/sais.


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